Kingston Council candidates responses

Kingston Council Candidates respond to our questions


Victorian Local Government Elections

As you are all aware, elections are now underway for all Victorian Councils, including Kingston, the owners of the Shirley Burke Theatre, which has been the home of Mordialloc Theatre Company since 1962. As you may also be aware, our company is facing challenges now, and will do so in the future, as the cost of hire has increased significantly in recent years – for the theatre, for our storage facility and for our rehearsal venue. We emailed all the candidates that had provided their contact details to the Victorian Electoral Commission, and gave them the opportunity to state their position regarding their support for the arts and for our company in particular. They were invited to respond to the following three questions, informing them that their responses would be published on our website for our subscribers to view:

1. How will you, if elected to the Kingston Council, support the arts in the future?

2. What role do you envisage for Mordialloc Theatre Company in the future, as an important community group in Kingston, and with a long-standing partnership with Council?

3. If elected to the Kingston Council, how will you engage with, and support the Mordialloc Theatre Company?

To be clear, we are not endorsing or showing a preference for any particular candidates – we are publishing the responses we received for the information of our patrons who may be Kingston residents and who will be voting in the Kingston Council elections.

Michael Kakogiannis – For the Board of Management

These are the candidates received responses

Tess Law (Melaleuca Ward)

Thanks for reaching out. My name is Tess Law and I’m running in the Melaleuca ward. I was at the Shirley Burke Theatre last week and met with a local artist who was doing some impressive marble carvings and displays of lightning hitting sand (apparently, it’s called fulgurite)!
I’m advocating for a thriving, progressive and safe coastal village community for families and future generations. I’d love to see the profile of our creative industries grow and recognise the important work of local theatre groups. If elected, I’d love to meet with you and the team to learn about what’s working well, and what can be improved in the future.

Alex Breskin (Melaleuca Ward)

How will you, if elected to the Kingston Council, support the Arts in the future?
Art is fundamental to our society. I will back more public funding for art, artists and art organisations, and make sure we have more spaces for art in our urban development decisions. Our galleries, museums, festivals, theatres and music events are known around the world and attract people from all parts of greater Melbourne to Parkdale and Mordialloc, in turn improving our local economy – let’s give them the boost they deserve.
What role do you envisage for Mordialloc Theatre Company in the future, as an important community group in Kingston, and with a long-standing partnership with Council?
I see the Mordialloc Theatre Company as an essential part of the tapestry of our art scene here in Kingston. We should be prioritising in all our service delivery locally grown organisations, and the Mordialloc Theatre Company has done so much for nearly 80 years in its operation to add to the culture of Kingston that it makes sense to consider them a priority group in our Arts delivery, especially at Shirley Burke Theatre
If elected to the Kingston Council, how will you engage with, and support the Mordialloc Theatre Company?
If elected, I am more than happy to see through the implementation of:
Engaging with local arts groups, such as Mordialloc Theatre Company, to build and improve our home grown arts scene
Provide priority access and subsidised theatre spaces for local groups to perform their important work in adding to the culture of Kingston
Beginning a refresh in the Kingston Arts and Culture Strategy, which now requires an update since expiring in 2022, that centres locally home-grown arts and culture scene here in Kingston
I am also more than happy to continue the conversation with the Mordialloc Theatre Company, and thank you for your hospitality at your previous board meeting.

Wandzia French (Chicquita Ward)

Thank you for this letter.
Art and Design has been my lifetime vocation. I married into an artistic family (NGV ceiling by Leonard French) and both myself, my husband and my children all have careers in allied artistic vocations. You have in me your greatest ally, and I personally love and admire what you do.
I had heard of your problems with the increased rent scenario on the social media grapevine and l was stunned to hear it.
This rental situation you bear cannot continue. That Kingston City Council itself is raising your rent and making life and existence harder for you all and at the same time saying the following in a public statement does not sit well with me, at all…….

“The City of Kingston boasts a vibrant arts and cultural scene, hosting a variety of arts spaces, arts and cultural organisations and services, professional and non-professional artists, creative industries and arts workers. Kingston Arts aims to build on these strengths, increase the profile and support of creative industries within the community and foster more opportunities for creative engagement and cultural tourism.”

What was the justification for raising the rental? Have you also had your times of use for the Shirley Burke Halll reduced? If so, l will personally try to amend this situation at Council, if elected as Councillor for Chicquita Ward, as much as l can. I will also fight to get you the security of an ongoing consistent tenure in this building so that you can feel that this is your home theatre and not have doubt constantly hanging over all your heads.
The current Council has lost its way. Every resource of council (our resources!) seems to be about charging fees, rent and making money out of the Kingston people… We pay huge rates. It’s time for a change in there. I for one am stepping up as an independent to bring back Council to focus on our community needs. If you live in Parkdale, Mentone, Cheltenham and Heatherton, then please consider me for your vote. When and if appropriate, may l please have some details of all the rental costs you pay now, and the new higher costs being imposed on you, and all other costs you bear in keeping the Mordialloc Theatre Company functioning? You are giving so much to our community and I’m sure all of Kingston realizes it and applauds it. I understand how many lives revolve and benefit around what you do!
The Mordialloc Theatre Company must be encouraged to grow and give us even more entertainment and live theatre. It’s so rare. Your company enlivens all of the businesses in Parkdale around it. Enlivens our lives! You are the cultural bright spot! Both old and young benefit! Seniors especially. The Art gallery Space is also in my mind. Are they also ‘paying rent’ to Kingston City Council?
How can encouragement of the Arts by Kingston City Council come at such a high cost to those it ‘encourages’
It’s not on.
I’ll be in there for you All!

 Jane Agirtan (Chiquita Ward)

As a candidate for Chicquita Ward and long term Parkdale & Mentone resident my answers are below:
How will you, if elected to the Kingston Council, support the Arts in the future?
I’d like to see council improve communication and use their social media and newsletters to bring awareness to the fact that we have OWN theatre here in Parkdale, fostering partnerships between various community groups, local businesses and encouraging sponsorship and participation opportunities for all. During crossing removal works that disrupted many local businesses I’ve heard many residents complain – they could not locate 2024-25 programme and assumed theatre will no longer continue and were worried that theatre will be sold.  Effective and clear communication as well as strategic vision for Arts is essential and if elected, I will work with Arts committee to promote theatre productions!
Many independent councillors standing in this election are local parents, community leaders and business people who agree on importance of council supporting Kingston based arts and non-for-profit organisations – I am also of an opinion that a council that hands out eye-watering sums to religious organisations outside of Kingston can do a lot more in terms of grants, reducing rents ( huge increases across the board on Kingston public leases) and providing advertising space to non for profit community groups.
What role do you envisage for Mordialloc Theatre Company in the future, as an important community group in Kingston, and with a long-standing partnership with Council?
As a local family we LOVE theatre and music – just like anyone one else in our community we are affected by cost of living crisis and can’t afford $180 a ticket shows in town. I local art centres such as Shirley Bourke and Frankston Arts are a fantastic and affordable way for residents to participate in arts – whether as an attendee, actor or set builder volunteer. Growing up I was involved with our school theatre, and it was a wonderful and inclusive space for all – I really enjoyed rehearsals and performances later volunteering with RERC and help organising large events such as Slavic Festival, folk dancing and costume expos, educational seminars and raising money for charity. 
Long term partnership and recurring grants are essential for any non-profit organisation, and I work towards meeting theatre company’s need, if elected. If elected to the Kingston Council, how will you engage with, and support the Mordialloc Theatre Company?

I’m an experienced grassroots campaigner with circa 50,000 local following on social media – I’d love to help in any way I can and will always be available for a phone call or chat. 

Kealey Nutt (Sandpiper Ward)

How will you, if elected to the Kingston Council, support the Arts in the future?

As a passionate advocate for community engagement and the vibrancy of the City of Kingston, I am committed to supporting the arts, including the Mordialloc Theatre Company, which plays such an important role in our local cultural landscape. I believe that the arts not only enrich our community but also serve as a vital avenue for social connection and creative expression, bringing together residents of all ages and backgrounds.
If elected, I would prioritise the following initiatives to support the arts:
Enhanced Collaboration: I would seek to strengthen partnerships between the council, local businesses, and community arts groups like Mordialloc Theatre Company. This could include joint promotional efforts to raise the profile of theatre productions and create more opportunities for collaboration between the theatre, other cultural groups, and local schools. I hope to use my 20+ years’ experience in corporate brand strategy and marketing, to help community groups and clubs in the area to enhance their reach and audience size.
Increased Funding and Grants: I am committed to advocating for increased funding for arts programs and exploring new grant opportunities, ensuring that groups like Mordialloc Theatre Company can continue their exceptional work without financial constraints. Through my work in the charity sector, I’m very well versed in strategies to seek philanthropic and grant-based funding for different causes, as well as being very experienced in community fundraising campaigns and generating audience and supporter growth outcomes, and I would love to bring these skills to the role of councillor, to help local groups by advocating not just for opportunities available through council, but for the chance to connect local organisations with other sources of support including state and federal funding, or through supporting grant applications and so on.
Expanding Accessible Spaces: Recognising the challenges faced by local arts groups in finding suitable venues, I would work to make more community spaces available for artistic activities. This would include advocating for subsidised access to venues like the Shirley Burke Theatre, ensuring that community groups can continue to thrive.

Promoting Local Talent: I would advocate for events and festivals that celebrate local talent, offering more platforms for performances that involve not just actors but the wider creative community, including technicians, designers, and volunteers who play a crucial role in productions.

I am enthusiastic about ensuring that the arts continue to flourish in Kingston and would welcome ongoing dialogue with organisations like the Mordialloc Theatre Company to understand how the council can best support their needs and aspirations. The creative energy and sense of community that arts organisations bring are invaluable, and I am dedicated to preserving and enhancing this for years to come.

What role do you envisage for Mordialloc Theatre Company in the future, as an important community group in Kingston, and with a long-standing partnership with Council?

I see Mordialloc Theatre Company continuing to play a pivotal role in fostering community spirit and cultural engagement in Kingston. Its rich history, spanning nearly eight decades, and its deep connection to the Shirley Burke Theatre make it a cornerstone of the local arts scene. I’ve attended many exhibitions in the art space at Shirley Burke Theatre, and a handful of performance events – but I feel a fond connection to the space after living in Parkdale for a few years prior to buying a property in Chelsea. Just being able to walk past a beautiful, active arts space near home made me feel so warm and optimistic about our community and its spirit. The company’s commitment to volunteerism, high-quality productions, and community engagement exemplifies the values that enrich our city and make it a vibrant place to live.

Moving forward, I believe that Mordialloc Theatre Company can further strengthen its position as a key contributor to our city’s cultural fabric, not just as an entertainment venue but as a gathering place where residents connect, share stories, and celebrate creativity. The council’s role in supporting this vision is critical, and if elected, I would work to:

Advocate for Fair and Sustainable Venue Costs: I recognise the challenge posed by the increased hire costs for the Shirley Burke Theatre. As a community-driven organisation, it’s essential that Mordialloc Theatre Company has access to spaces at rates that reflect its not-for-profit status. I would push for a review of the pricing structure to ensure that the theatre remains accessible and sustainable for local arts groups.

Support for Infrastructure Needs: I would explore opportunities to assist with the provision of suitable rehearsal and storage spaces for props, costumes, and equipment. This could include working with the council to identify potential community spaces that could be repurposed to support the logistical needs of the company, reducing their overhead costs.

Strengthening the Partnership with Council: I envision a closer partnership between Mordialloc Theatre Company and the council, where we regularly engage in dialogue to address challenges and co-create opportunities for growth. This could include joint initiatives such as community open days, workshops, and collaborative events that further integrate the arts into the life of Kingston.

Mordialloc Theatre Company’s enduring commitment to our community deserves to be met with strong support from the council, and I am dedicated to ensuring that this partnership thrives well into the future. Together, we can ensure that the arts remain a thriving and accessible part of life in Kingston.

If elected to the Kingston Council, how will you engage with, and support the Mordialloc Theatre Company?

If elected, I am committed to maintaining an open and collaborative relationship with Mordialloc Theatre Company to ensure your needs are heard and addressed. I understand the invaluable role your organisation plays in enriching our community, and I would take a proactive approach to support your continued success. My focus would include:

Regular Dialogue and Consultation: I would establish regular meetings with representatives from Mordialloc Theatre Company to discuss your ongoing challenges and opportunities. By maintaining an open line of communication, I can better advocate for your needs at the council level and ensure that decisions regarding community spaces, funding, and cultural programming reflect your interests.

Advocating for Affordable Spaces: Understanding the financial strain caused by increased venue hire costs, I would work to ensure that community arts organisations like yours have access to council-managed spaces at rates that are both fair and sustainable. This includes advocating for a review of the current pricing structure for the Shirley Burke Theatre to better reflect the not-for-profit nature of your work.

Collaborative Event Opportunities: I would support initiatives that bring the theatre’s offerings to a wider audience, such as community festivals, open theatre days, or school holiday programs. By working together, we can create events that showcase local talent and invite new patrons to discover the unique cultural experiences offered by Mordialloc Theatre Company.

Promoting the Value of the Arts: I am committed to raising awareness of the economic and social contributions made by Mordialloc Theatre Company to the Kingston area. This includes highlighting the benefits that your activities bring to local businesses and the sense of community they foster. By sharing these stories, I hope to further build public appreciation and council support for the arts.

Through these actions, I am dedicated to ensuring that Mordialloc Theatre Company continues to thrive as a cultural cornerstone in Kingston, enriching the lives of our residents and offering a vibrant space for creative expression.

Graham Fountain (Sandpiper Ward)

Good afternoon Michael and the MTC team
Firstly, thank you for the opportunity to respond to your email and congratulations on being a pivotal part of the arts and cultural fabric of our community, with a long and proud history and more importantly a vibrant and exciting future. As a long-term volunteer myself and having lead several volunteer-based organisations, you can be assured I fully appreciate the volunteer ethos but more importantly the challenges in managing a viable and sustainable volunteer-based organisation.

Secondly, with a daughter that performs and coaches calisthenics with over 22 years participation at the Chelsea Calisthenics Club (being awarded life membership last year) and having performed in several school productions throughout her schooling years, I am acutely aware firsthand the value and life experiences arising from this participation and the support required from front of house to back of house to realise a successful production. I also have very close friends in the dance fraternity and some friends that have previously participated in MTC productions.

The cumulative lived experience above provides me with a great appreciation and personal commitment to maintain a vibrant and sustainable arts and cultural focus, of which MTC is at the centre, if elected to council.

As you will see from my Candidates Statement and Website and my mailout my commitment to social cohesion, economic development and building the social capital of the community are embedded in my priorities. As are the needs to improve efficiency and productivity within council to ensure its services are focused on community need and provide public value, coupled with a need for reduced expenditure and more robust financial governance, decision making and expenditure review frameworks.

MTC’s interests are embedded in all of my priorities, and you can be assured I appreciate first hand the role MTC plays in building the social capital of the community and its flow-on economic benefits to the community. If we can achieve a more balanced, integrated, planned and calibrated approach to the roles and activities of our wonderful community groups, we can establish an environment where everyone benefits from us creating a safe and environmentally friendly city for us to live, work and play (as briefly outlined within the very finite word count in my candidates questionnaire attached).

We need to continually measure the value of volunteerism to the municipality (not only in financial terms but also social capital and the role it plays in providing a place for social connection for vulnerable and isolated members of our community). When I have commissioned such reports in the past in my executive roles (e.g., CFA and Australian Motorsport) people have been dumbfounded in the actual value of volunteerism provided by such groups as MTC. We also need to have a genuine community consultation and engagement framework to inform decision making and move away from online engagement models for this purpose.

The remaining challenge for all volunteer-based organisations is to engage, attract and retain more diverse and younger persons at all levels of the organisation. The will ensure we maintain a viable and sustainable volunteer-based organisation for the future. This role cannot rely on the individual community groups/clubs or organisations alone. It must be supported by council and integrated into our overall plans. My depth of experience in this and demonstrated achievements will assist greatly.

I would be delighted to meet and work with you and the MTC if elected to deliver real and tangible outcomes for the community and your group through integrated and well thought out planning. This includes exploring how council can directly support (as opposed to profit from) such groups by reduced fees, alternative revenue generating opportunities, future of volunteerism models and the like. The fee increases you outlined are concerning and unsustainable and go to the heart of my priorities outlined above. There must be amble opportunity for council to support MTC, either by leading collaborative models or public/private partnerships with other community groups/businesses or the use of other council facilities to support your storage and rehearsal requirements (and a much-reduced cost). On one hand council cant applaud the group as the Kingston Community Group of the Year and on the other wipe its hands of supporting you and gouging you finite financial resources. This does not align with my ethos and as a councillor you can be assured this will not be supported.

I am proud of my record of delivery and look forward to applying that to support MTC as an elected councillor.

Should you wish to discuss this further or have any further queries please do not hesitate to contact me directl

Caroline White (Caruana Ward)

Hi Michael,
Would you like to meet face to face? That would be beneficial for me to better assist with your enquiries. Do you have any ideas on what you’d like support for the Theatre Company from Council representatives to
look like?
Interestingly, I have met with numerous local sporting club presidents over the campaign, and they are having the same issues with the rising costs of leasing Council facilities. Springvale Cricket Club (just outside of Kingston) didn’t survive the price hikes and recently went under.
In relation to your questions, in my experience I believe our government needs a round table approach to best support the arts. They tend to make decisions for us behind closed doors without necessarily understanding our industry. I want to foster a more collaborative approach between government, rate payers, residents, business owners and our sporting and arts communities ensuring real consultation and lines of communication are open.
30 years ago I commenced my dance training at a Council hall in Mordialloc and I went on to complete my full time dance training at the Victorian College of the Arts Secondary College. I have owned and
operated my dance school for 12 years now and I am extremely passionate about the arts and the benefits it provides our community, but I’m also very concerned about the struggles we’re faced with and it’s long term viability with the current financial crisis we’re experiencing. The pressure I’ve found in my business and our industry is what has lead me to run, I will continue to fight for equality for the arts.
Ultimately government overspending is financially crippling us and leading to higher prices. Better fiscal management, more integrity, transparency, operational efficiency and accountability in Council means rates can be reduced, and we’ll have more money in our pockets to spend as we wish. My aim is for Kingston City Council to have the lowest possible financial impact on us as possible so that industries like ours, the arts, can thrive.
Welcome to use what you wish if it works for your newsletter. Let me know if you’d like to catch up!

Daniel Loza (Yammerbook Ward)

Thank you very much for reaching out! I think the arts are vital to wellbeing in the lives of both individuals and communities as a whole. As a musician of 15 years myself, I understand the importance of the arts as both an outlet for oneself, and a way to connect and share with others around you. Thus, if elected, I would hope to be able to create greater opportunities and exposure for arts events, that both can and do exist within Kingston. If I am to be entirely candid, despite living my whole life in Kingston, I only learnt of the existence of the Shirley Burke early last year through the Kingston Community Engagement Group I was involved with, which is a bit worrying. I think even just raising further awareness around what we do have would be greatly beneficial and is of significant importance for community health.

By extension, as a major part of the arts scene and development within Kingston, I would want to be able to ensure that the Mordialloc Theatre Company can continue operating and enriching the lives of those in our community. I believe it is vital for strong arts groups and organisations to exist as a place of support for up-and-coming local artists, performance enthusiasts and any other arts-inclined people within our beautiful city. As such, it may be necessary to investigate rent deals with council, given the long history of the company and the frequency at which it utilises the space.

I would gladly take opportunities to meet with and hear from the Mordialloc Theatre Company, to learn about how operations and shows are going, and feed this back to council.

Thank you once again for getting in touch and for your questions, and even more so for your service to the Kingston community.

ERIC LEE (Caruana Ward)

Thanks for reaching out and I apologise for the late response. The unfortunate weekend weather and exhaustion of letterboxing has gotten to me and this email fell through the cracks of my memory. I wanted to first say thank you for your continued work broadening arts in our community, and specifically, promoting and encouraging performing arts and theatre. Believe it or not, my fondest memories of school was during my performing arts and drama classes where I could express myself in the weird and whacky ways that drama allows for. Being a so called theatre nerd myself, I would love to support you in the future.I am aware your deadline was already met, but I’d like to write this to you anyways.

How will you, if elected to the Kingston Council, support the Arts in the future? 
However possible, but specifically, I believe the best support Council can provide is further engagement and promotion of the opportunities that arise, particularly with encouraging viewship and ticket sales of your shows. On a personal note, you’ll most likely see me there at your shows and perhaps encouraging my partner to also audition.

What role do you envisage for Mordialloc Theatre Company in the future, as an important community group in Kingston, and with a long-standing partnership with Council? I’d like to see your theatre company continue and understand how hard it is to operate a nfp (especially as I manage one myself). I’d love to look into future grant systems and opportunities to help assist community groups in the future. As for theatre hire charges, this is something I’d need to explore further as I know how difficult it is for councils to lower their fees, so perhaps a hire fee freeze is on the radar. If elected, I’d love to work with you on coming up with some strategies to ensure your theatre company thrive and not just work on staying afloat.Our company is fully committed to continuing our voluntary contribution to the community, as well as continuing our presence at the Shirley Burke Theatre – regarded by us, and by the wider Kingston community, as the home of Mordialloc Theatre Company.

If elected to the Kingston Council, how will you engage with, and support the Mordialloc Theatre Company?
However possible, my theatre loving heart would ache to see you struggle. Theatre is not just something we do, I know it hurts to not be able to perform and develop our skills. Being in a city that encourages us to explore arts, music, theatre and more, we need to really keep working with you to ensure your success.

Hope that answers your questions,